Epic Cash

The Freeman Family

Max Freeman

Max Freeman, Jun 5, 2020 · 2 min read

What does it mean to be a Freeman?

Our current fiat money system enslaves us, by stealing a small portion of our hard-earned wealth every year through the simple larceny that is inflation.

If chattel slavery is defined as the 100% theft of a person’s productive efforts, then is a 3% theft via “inflation” 3% slavery? What does that mean in times like today, when untold trillions are created in the blink of an eye? We are being robbed blind.

The Freeman Family created Epic Cash as a replacement monetary system that everyone can participate in and benefit from. With constantly decreasing and more importantly — predictable — inflation following the proven Bitcoin Standard emission schedule of 21 million coins in 2140, it is a fair and level playing field for commerce, trade, payments and investing to build on. We think of it as the new Private Internet of Money, a world of interconnected blockchains that work together to enable new types of decentralized P2P private financial services that work for everyone.

When your country’s central bank creates currency, it takes value from you and gives it to whomever receives it first, a process known as the Cantillon Effect. In Epic, anyone can earn newly issued currency by running the mining software, even on an old home PC.

Using fiat currency also funds death, destruction, and tyranny. We are Freemen because we choose to use a form of money that works for us, rather than against us. It is an act of financial self-defense to protect our hard-earned wealth in an honest system we trust, and a small act of nonviolent protest against the institutionalized predation for which no alternative existed not long ago.

Epic is free open source software that runs a public permissionless open blockchain, just like Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin, privacy for everyone is fundamental and mining is open to all. Learn more about why Epic is the Future of Money at www.epic.tech

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